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Re: Training: Fred Berry

Posted: July 15th, 2011, 1:30 pm
by Jools Noctru
Nice first move. You understand the concept of attempting actions rather than acting them out completely or even finishing your moves. This is very important to keep in mind during moderated combat, which is what it will be like in Krath Scenarios. It is however not necessary to explicitly indicate your action(s) after a post. While this may have been customary in any previous RPs you have done, your actions should be already clearly described in your post; they should not need to be explicitly pointed out.

You also have a combat knife on your person.

The marine's evident sense of panic elicited the malicious laughter of the men that had him cornered. Their bodies angled forward, and legs flexed underneath them, all primal indicators of an impending attack. Their synchronized movements made it clear they were well experienced in crime. As Fred attempted to roll forward, one of the thugs charged towards him and intercepted his steps, knocking Fred off-balance. The large Ithorian thudded on the cold stone floor.

The first assailant spoke in taunts, emphasized by the sporadic movements at the tip of his blade. "Come now, alien scum, even a creature as stupid as you should know better than that."

As soon as the Ithorian reached for his blaster the other man was upon him, one hand desperately grasping Fred's wrist while the other directed the knife to the back of the marine's hand. The blade's arc was true, and marked Fred's flesh with a deep gouge that instantly bled. More importantly, perhaps, the resulting reaction to the pain caused his hand to spasm open and lose its grip on his blaster. The attacker kicked the blaster to a corner of the tunnel while the first man circled closer and closer, eyeing for his chance to mark his knife with fresh blood as well.

Re: Training: Fred Berry

Posted: July 18th, 2011, 3:12 am
by Fred Berry
Gasping for breath on the floor, and trying to think of his options, Fred took a good look at the positions of the assailants. Fred knew since the first assailant had attacked he was closer and easier to stab with his knife, so it was a good option, though what worried Fred the most was the second assailant, who seemed to be waiting for his chance to attack.

Fred, still on the floor, decided to grab his small knife with his free hand and attempt to stab upwards at the first assailant, and get up fast enough to get into a defensive position of the second assailant knowing he would likely be the one to attack afterwords.

Re: Training: Fred Berry

Posted: July 18th, 2011, 10:36 am
by Jools Noctru
When attacked, it is important to incorporate what your character feels, what he thinks. How has the attack affected him, emotionally, physically and psychologically. Not every attack needs to be worked out in uttermost detail, but depending on the situation, you can give it a personal twist. Has your character experienced this pain before? Does it remind him of something? Does it make him FURIOUS? Etc.

The man cackled loudly at the sight of fear, pain and the fresh blood of his floored victim. Overconfident, his face threw a childish glee at his companion, unable to see the marine's unexpected precision strike. The blade scraped past his collarbone and carved deeply into his neck and chin. The elated expression faded as the man grabbed his throat. His eyes rolled upwards, and not a second later he dropped to the stone floor, gurgling in his own blood. "Urrgh--"

The second attacker halted his assault as Fred had managed to get up and take a fierce defensive position. He stood there eye in eye with the marine for a moment, tossing his blade back and forth between his hands. He let out a terrifying cry, and dashed forward, his right hand holding his knife high above his head. He had clearly lost it at the sight of his companion dying so abhorrently.

"You shall payyyy!" he screamed, thrusting his blade forward, missing Fred very narrowly.

Re: Training: Fred Berry

Posted: July 18th, 2011, 11:47 am
by Fred Berry
Fred's adrenaline kicked in and he took his strike at the first assailant. Fred's breathing was still erratic, but he didn't feel much pain from his injury.

"I thought he would put up a better fight." Fred said, watching the assailant drop to the ground.

Fred was got on his feet, and took a defensive position. When Fred's eyes met with the second assailant, the assailant charged. The terrifying cry startled him, and he was able to tilt his head enough to dodge the assailants attack. That was too close, how did he get here so fast? Fred thought. Fred didn't realize just how close the attack was, until he glanced at the knife.

Fred was surprised at the shallow distance his arm was from the edge of the blade. Moments later Fred smirked and attempted to shove the assailant aside, and at that moment Fred had this sharp pain radiating through his body and fell to the ground. Fred's vision blurred and all he could think about was getting out of the tunnel to seek help. I am losing it, could this sudden onslaught of pain be from the wound I suffered in the first attack? I need to get out of here! He thought.

Fred then attempted his escape toward the light at the end of the tunnel. He was in much pain and could only crawl away. Fred kept his grip on his knife, hoping he wouldn't need to hurt himself more combating the second assailant.

OOC: This might not be allowed, but the thought behind the actions is that I attempt to shove the assailant, fall to the ground, and then attempt an escape, though if I fail to shove the opponent then I would still fall but this would just be in front of him, and my escape would have to go around him, then of course all attempts fail and I am just stuck on the ground. If I didn't have to state this, or compound actions like this are not allowed, then I am sorry, if anything else I have peace of mind that I explained it.

Re: Training: Fred Berry

Posted: July 18th, 2011, 12:17 pm
by Jools Noctru
It's good that you ask, that is what training is for :)

For training purposes, compound actions are fine. In Krath Scenarios, a "turn" will allow you to move twice your move distance, or move once and attack once, or attack twice (or power attack once). This will limit the amount of compound actions you can make per post, and allows you to focus on making each post detailed for those specific moves. For your information, for future references, you cannot move AFTER you attacked, only before. So in a Krath Scenario, your actions as described above wouldn't be possible. And it is exactly for the reasons you stated yourself: should your shove fail, every thing you described after that fails automatically, as chances are you never even get to escape your position.

Like I said, it's nothing to worry about for the training for now, as rules may differ per Krath Scenario and for training it's just to get a feel for how to describe your combat actions. You're doing great so far.

Are you going to leave your blaster behind?

The human thug whimpered in discontent at his failure. Time seemed to slow down temporarily, followed by a powerful shove from the large Ithorian. Trying to maintain his balance, the foe tripped over his own legs and fell to the floor, next to his dead companion. The thud on the pavement echoed inside the tunnel, followed by the man's low moan.

Fred started crawling towards the exit of the tunnel, when moments later a sharp blade flew right past his eye stalk. "Come back and face me, alien scum!!" the man yelled. He seemed to have gotten up again, holding another knife, presumably that of his friend.

Re: Training: Fred Berry

Posted: July 18th, 2011, 12:38 pm
by Fred Berry
Fred saw the knife just meters away, he took a few moments to look at his options. I could attack, I could run, I could even pass out right now. Fred wasn't sure why he was thinking so negatively, surely this guy is emotionally unstable and he could be easy pickings. Fred's vision soon returned, which only puzzled him because he thought it was from the blood loss. A few things still seemed unclear in his vision, but he was able to at least see now, though not the best.

Fred grabbed the knife that flew past him, and now that he was armed with two knives he surely should be able to take this person out. Fred got to his feet, as the pain subsided, and glared in the direction of the assailant. Fred than proceeded toward the challenger, "You still want to fight, even after your friend lies on the ground before. Fred chuckled. The pain is almost completely gone, and he was now ready to handle anything that this unstable assailant could give him.

Re: Training: Fred Berry

Posted: July 18th, 2011, 12:49 pm
by Jools Noctru
You handled that nicely. Lets move on.

You hear the grinding of metal as your swoop bike hits a patch of rocky, upturned ground. The attacker to your right is now beside you and he has pulled out a blaster, which he doesn't seem to use in an experienced manner. Nonetheless dodging should be done. The attacker to your left has pulled out a ball and chain and is trying to bash your skull in with it. Both of them are dangerously close to your swoop and every once in awhile all three noses of the swoop touch and make a grinding sound.

Re: Training: Fred Berry

Posted: August 10th, 2011, 3:41 pm
by Fred Berry
Fred was riding on his swoop, enjoying himself, but then grinding noses occured, Fred though nothing of it until he saw two attackers with two different weapons, one with a blaster, and the other with a ball and chain. Fred thought for a minute and considered the chances of speeding forward, I could get lucky and speed forward, and just maybe, they will end up hitting each other.

Fred took the chance, knowing somehow that the guy with the blaster must be someone knew because of the way he held it. Fred attempted to speed forward, and then put out the blaster in his pouch. Thinking that maybe he had the wrong idea, because now the attackers our behind him, he whipped his swoop around so he could aim at the attacker, and fired a shot at the guy with a blaster.

Re: Training: Fred Berry

Posted: September 6th, 2011, 3:51 pm
by Jools Noctru
You speed forward, but the attackers anticipated your move and unfortunately do not crash into each other as planned. This does give you enough headroom as they had to slow down to avoid a crash. You successfully turn around your speeder, pull out your blaster and fire upon the attacker holding a blaster. You hit him and he is knocked off his swoop bike. The attacker with ball and chain races past you and hits your swoop with the heavy ball. Your swoop takes a beating but you manage to stay on course. The attacker has begun turning around for a second drive-by.

You may act out / roleplay the above sequence and subsequently add your next move(s) in your upcoming post.

Re: Training: Fred Berry

Posted: December 22nd, 2011, 7:01 am
by Jools Noctru
Training cancelled due to inactivity. Please post a new request to re-open your RP training with us.