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Re: Training: Seth Gunnells

Posted: July 16th, 2011, 10:24 am
by Jools Noctru
That was excellent, very descriptive moves. It's important that the reader understand how you managed to work that Wookie to the floor.

A good roleplayer knows that things do not always go their way. Repeat the above situation, and this time lose.

Re: Training: Seth Gunnells

Posted: July 16th, 2011, 4:11 pm
by Seth Gunnells
The room grew silent, but Seth was a little too distracted to notice it in time. Just as he started to wonder why the room was so quiet, he felt two large, furry hands grasping his throat. Seth had never been in any real combat situation before and was desperately trying to pry the infinitely stronger Wookie's hands off of his throat. He was having no success and was starting to black out when he heard the charging of a blaster rifle. The owner, Hanz, had produced a large blaster rifle and was aiming it right at the Wookie.

"Hear now. I won't have no killin' in my bar. Now you let him go and walk out the door 'fore I turn ya into my new Welcome mat..." Hanz said, the blaster rifle aimed nice and steady.

The Wookie loosened his grip on Seth, seeming to consider whether or not the bartender would really shoot him. Finally, he threw Seth a few feet with a furious rawr, turned, and left the bar. Seth rose to his feet slowly, coughing and gasping.

"Th... Thanks..." he managed, hoarsely.

Re: Training: Seth Gunnells

Posted: July 17th, 2011, 8:03 am
by Jools Noctru
You are walking through a market. There are vendors left and right, each one trying to sell you something resembling a dead animal, only it all smells really good. The crowd is very thick and you find within moments that you have problems with this. Before the thought even ends you bump into someone who seems to be in a hurry. After the person walks away, you suddenly reach for your credits and realize that they are gone.

Re: Training: Seth Gunnells

Posted: July 18th, 2011, 1:12 am
by Seth Gunnells
As Seth entered the busy market, everything, while looking like the last thing he'd want to eat, smelled delicious. Seth began to approach a booth when he was bumped into by someone he didn't know, but who appeared to be wanting to get moving as quickly as possible.

"Excuse me," Seth said. At that moment, he realized that his credit pocket felt a little lighter. He quickly whiped his head around in the direction the thief went and managed to catch a glimpse of his back sharply turning a corner out of sight. Seth gave it a thought and decided whipping out his blaster in a crowd would be ill-advised.

So he took off towards the direction the thief went and whirled around the corner. He managed another glimpse of the seemingly human criminal taking off around another corner. This time, Seth didn't hesitate, taking off immediately, slipping through people as quickly as possible to gain ground on his target who didn't know he was being pursued yet.

This time, when Seth turned the corner, he saw the thief leaning up against a wall a good ways down the lane, counting the credits he'd just gained. Seth quietly blended in with the crowd and made his way towards the human thief. Finally, when he'd gotten close, he pointed his blaster, still mostly concealed at the thief.

"Excuse me," he said. Once the thief looked at him, he motioned to the blaster. "I'd like my money back," he said with an outstretched hand.

Seth could see the thief mulling it over, maybe thinking about drawing a weapon himself, but the human finally placed the money in Seth's hand, waiting for what would happen next.

"Now get the hell out of here," Seth said, motioning his head in a direction. The thief hastily took off as Seth counted his credits to make sure everything was there. It was.

Re: Training: Seth Gunnells

Posted: July 18th, 2011, 2:08 am
by Jools Noctru
Very good. Keep it up!

In Action & Light Combat you will be given a few situations and you must respond with your combat only. This section is moderated and the NPCs are under the control of the Trainer. Remember to be reasonable and that adding a tense tone to the fight would probably be best. This is what it will be like in an actual Krath Scenario. We won't necessarily RP all of these situations to their conclusion, but we'll get accustomed to combat.

As you step back, you feel the cold of the wall behind you. You are trapped now and escape is the dim light at the end of the tunnel. There are two men advancing upon you, each with their own form of cutlery that has your name on it. You have only seconds to decide what to do.

Re: Training: Seth Gunnells

Posted: July 18th, 2011, 2:46 pm
by Seth Gunnells
Seth was breathing heavily, looking from one man to the other, desperately trying to find a weakness. He couldn't find anything obvious, but as he shifted his foot, he felt the rocks move under his foot. He pretended to collapse in fear, taking the opportunity to scoop up a handful of rocks.

"Please don't hurt me!" he called out, fear shaking in his voice.

As his assailants got closer, he hurled the rocks at the face of the closest one and pushed him while he was distracted into his partner, also taking the opportunity to grab the knife out of the surprised man's hands. He immediately ran at top speed out of the alley, knife in hand.

Attempted action: distract one man, pushing him into his alley, disarm him, and run.

Re: Training: Seth Gunnells

Posted: July 19th, 2011, 2:37 am
by Jools Noctru
Your description is clear and the tone is tense, excellent. You must be aware that this section is moderated, meaning you cannot control the NPCs. You may therefore not assume that you are successful in any attempted action until told so by the GM.

The general structure of posts in Krath Scenarios is:
It's your turn -> You post attempted action(s) -> GM posts to confirm which actions were successful -> You post to fully act out / complete the action -> Next player's turn

In Krath Scenarios, the general rule will also be that you can do 2 move actions, OR 1 move action and 1 attack, OR 2 attacks (or 1 power attack). Move actions are only allowed before you attack, not after.

Going by these rules, your attempt worked out as following:

The bite of sand in his eyes made the man groan in discontent, covering his face with his left elbow. He wildly swung around his knife in a comical, yet defensive way. Seth was unable to catch the man's hand, let alone take his knife.

You were not able to run away this turn, but you can attempt an escape your next turn before any attack moves. I will go easy and not have the second man attack you yet. Lets get you accustomed to this scene first.

Last comment: while it may be customary in previous RPs you have played, in Krath Scenarios you should not post the semi Out-of-Character text stating your actions. Your actions should already become clear through descriptive text in your post.

For your ease, you have a blaster pistol on your belt, and a combat knife in your right boot.

Re: Training: Seth Gunnells

Posted: July 19th, 2011, 7:38 am
by Seth Gunnells
Seth cursed under his breath for not being able to disarm the man. His breathing quickened even more as he began reaching for his blaster. He was hoping it wouldn't come to killing, but these men had left him no choice: kill or be killed.

He drew his blaster and fired off several rounds at both men.

Re: Training: Seth Gunnells

Posted: July 20th, 2011, 7:53 am
by Jools Noctru
The blinded man could briefly hear the pulse charge of a blaster pistol, followed by several direct hits to his chest and arms. The blaster fire knocked down the Human. scorching his clothes and skin. The man lay there, his chest sizzling and smoking.

Seth swung around to fire a salvo at the other opponent, who appeared to have vanished. Suddenly a sharp stinging pain drove through his arm, radiating through his shoulder and neck. The man had circled around Seth and managed to stab him in the upper arm, blood flowing profusely and staining his clothing.

Re: Training: Seth Gunnells

Posted: July 20th, 2011, 8:09 am
by Seth Gunnells
Seth cried out in pain as he felt the blade stab into his arm, feeling the blood spurting out of his arm and onto his clothes. He immediately whipped around, put his blaster in the guy's chest, and fired off multiple rounds. He then ripped off a piece of fabric and tied it around the wound in an attempt to slow the bleeding.