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Re: Training: Calgor Grim

Posted: July 29th, 2011, 5:14 pm
by Jools Noctru
The Muun eyed Calgor briefly, catching a glimpse of the crystal. Then he looked Calgor straight into the eye again, saying "I'm terribly sorry, the way you asked that question came across as if you're looking for something specifically. But I don't know what you are talking about.

The barkeep put down a deliciously looking fillet surrounded by garnish of every possible color. The smell was unfamiliar, but certainly not displeasing.

"I am an honest businessman. You have seen this place, right? You walked into one of the more upper class bars around here, you know. You will need to look elsewhere for the kind of information you are probably looking for," the Muun concluded, an insulted tone slightly noticeable in his voice. "Enjoy your meal, sir."

Your senses tell you that the barkeep is telling the truth, or at the very least is being genuine in his words and feelings. You also sense that two patrons sitting in the far corner of the bar have been paying extra attention to you when you asked that question to the Muun.

Re: Training: Calgor Grim

Posted: July 30th, 2011, 3:12 am
by Calgor Grim
"Hold my friend, that was not my intention. I do not call you dishonest at all. In fact I find your etiquette refreshing. It's just that in this galaxy I find that people seldom give information about even the most basic of locations without a little encouragement. My apologies sir for second guessing. Besides I wanted to reward you for your hospitality and your recommendations."

Grim was on the back foot, trying to smooth things over. He was tempted to use a bit of subtle Harmony on the chap to calm him down enough. However he doubted it would be so easy. He was considering trying to smooth things over later after finishing the meal. Meanwhile his precognition was at work, he was sensing something, not sure what but something was there. Feigning to look and remove something from his right pocket, he took a quick shooting glance around the bar and his eyes clocked on two characters at the back who seemed to be taking to him. They were hooded and in dark outfits so he was unable to recognise them, however they were clearly glancing in his direction. His left hand was toying on the handle of a blaster under his cloak. Not the normal choice of weapon for a knight but without anything else there wasn't a choice.

Returning his gaze forward he began to sample the food. Wasn't bad. Devaronians were used to rations on long space flights so by all accounts this food was rather good. All the while he was still keeping his senses attuned to the area around him.

Re: Training: Calgor Grim

Posted: July 30th, 2011, 4:13 am
by Jools Noctru
The barkeep smiled, "Apology accepted, and I'd like to extend mine. I'm afraid there aren't many sights around this particular area. This is all bars and markets stalls. There's also an industrial district, but I doubt that is the kind of sight you were looking for. The next best thing is about half a day's travel. Let me get a map for you... you know, old fashioned paper, heh-ha!"

The Muun disappeared in a backroom behind the bar.

In NPC Interaction, you will focus primarily on the proper ways to interact and do light combat with NPCs. This first section is unmoderated, and you should control your opponents' actions.

At first, the sensation of the two figures in the back does not seem to change; not more dangerous but not subsiding either. You decide the play it cool and just enjoy your meal. All the while you are eating, the figures in the back leave you alone. When you are nearly finished, fiddling with some napkins, both of the hooded figures stand up. One of them remains at their table in the corner while the other one rapidly walks up to you.

The hooded patron stood ample inches away from behind Calgor, who was still seated at his table. It bent over and whispered in his left ear, "Quite the wealthy one, eh? I've got a sight for you to see. It's the edge of my dagger. You can give it a little kiss if you don't hand over that pouch of Nova."

For clarification:
- the patron standing behind you is female.
- you now also control the second patron's actions.

Re: Training: Calgor Grim

Posted: August 1st, 2011, 1:51 am
by Calgor Grim
"Do you mind...I'd prefer to get to know someone first before I let them get close and suggest any notion of a kiss." Grim hissed back. "If you wanted Nova I can happily let you try and win them in a friendly game of cards or we get to know each other first." The bar was continuing as normal, people mostly oblivious to what was going on at the front.

His eyes were open and still staring straight forward, trying not to make any sudden movements. Behind the bar there were various glass bottles and objects. Grim was staring intently into the bottle to try and view the reflection of his would be assailant.

The second one meanwhile seemed to be watching with interest, also armed and ready. They were holding some kind of blaster or melee weapon so clearly were expecting a conflict. In a place like this things would often escalate rapidly. Grim couldn't see this one too clearly, his focus was on the female with a knife close to his back.

"Now step back and we can talk about this, there's no need for fighting now surely?"

He was playing the situation out in his mind and it was unlikely that she would back down, as his precognitive abilities weighed up as many possible outcomes as he could think of. He was looking for things to use in his favour and then his eyes set upon his perfect defence. He sat waiting to see if he would have to use it...

Re: Training: Calgor Grim

Posted: August 16th, 2011, 4:02 am
by Jools Noctru
As the scenario is unmoderated, you may carry on. You are in control of the opponents. However, this post was indicative of your abilities in moderated situations, so that's a plus.

Re: Training: Calgor Grim

Posted: August 16th, 2011, 5:09 am
by Calgor Grim
"Or how about you be a good little boy, put those Nova crystals gently on the bar, and walk out before I get this knife all bloodstained." the female hissed back, pressing the knife gently against the back of his neck. The point was pressing against his skin.

"Fair enough..." Grim responded calmly, pulling the bag out of his pocket slowly, meanwhile his eyes were focussed across the room. She was watching his hand, both of them. Luckily he had a few tricks up his sleeve. A gesture of his eyes and a gentle movement of his other hand hidden in his left pocket, and one of the glass bottles on a nearby table hurtled across the room Use the force as an ally...a bit of Force pull. It collided with the attackers head causing her to stumble, giving him the opportunity he needed. She recoiled to check where it had come from, the knife brandished in front of her, a darkened robe hiding her features however slightly bloodied and dripping with ale from the smashed bottle. Grim took the opportunity and threw himself behind the bar and readied a blaster. Not something he was used to but luckily he was getting better at using such crude weaponry. He took aim at the female, who was still trying to identify her mystery assailant when she turned to hear a weapon click and hum into life.

"Now then, can we discuss this like sensible people?" It was aimed at what he assumed would be the leg. "And would you kindly tell your friend to come out from the shadows as well. I do not like being observed."

She spoke in some unknown language to her colleague, who was also looking unsettled, also masking their identity and also armed. She was holding some form of firearm under the table. A tense stand-off had developed, the barman was nowhere to be found and patrons were either out the door, under the desk or the odd hardened veteran was still enjoying their time without a care to the situation.

Re: Training: Calgor Grim

Posted: September 6th, 2011, 3:45 pm
by Jools Noctru
Excellent roleplaying, Calgor. Do you wish to continue this setting or shall we fast-forward to the next training item?

Re: Training: Calgor Grim

Posted: September 6th, 2011, 3:58 pm
by Calgor Grim
Progress to the next issue. I think Ive proved some capability :)

Re: Training: Calgor Grim

Posted: September 6th, 2011, 4:08 pm
by Jools Noctru
Calgor Grim wrote:Progress to the next issue. I think Ive proved some capability :)
You definitely did, but since you set it so nicely I felt just moving on would sort of destroy something you had carefully written down. Let us proceed then.

In Action & Light Combat you will be given a few situations and you must respond with your combat only. This section is moderated and the NPCs are under the control of the Trainer. Remember to be reasonable and that adding a tense tone to the fight would probably be best. This is what it will be like in an actual Krath Scenario. We won't necessarily RP all of these situations to their conclusion, but we'll get accustomed to combat.

As you step back, you feel the cold of the wall behind you. You are trapped now and escape is the dim light at the end of the tunnel. There are two men advancing upon you, each with their own form of cutlery that has your name on it. You have only seconds to decide what to do.

Re: Training: Calgor Grim

Posted: September 13th, 2011, 1:06 am
by Calgor Grim
Grim had backed himself in, these two were bearing down upon him. However since the incident at the bar he had taken a bit of initiative and returned to his ship to re-equip. This time he was ready, putting the blaster away and bringing out something with a bit more finesse and what he had a better chance of using.

"I suggest you two leave before this gets painful." He growled, brow lowered and a hand hidden under his cloak just around his waist. His hand was resting on the hilt of his lightsabre. Freshly crafted only a few months ago after spending a long week aboard a ship in total isolation and still mostly unused. He didn't want to resort to this but he would use it if there were no choice. His attempt at using a simple mind trick had failed, the two seemed either too dim or too strong to manipulate with the will of the force.

(Note: IC Light sabre Combat value - 3/5, able to be used offensively and defensively)