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Re: Training: Seth Gunnells

Posted: July 20th, 2011, 8:13 am
by Jools Noctru
You hear the grinding of metal as your swoop bike hits a patch of rocky, upturned ground. The attacker to your right is now beside you and he has pulled out a blaster, which he doesn't seem to use in an experienced manner. Nonetheless dodging should be done. The attacker to your left has pulled out a ball and chain and is trying to bash your skull in with it. Both of them are dangerously close to your swoop and every once in awhile all three noses of the swoop touch and make a grinding sound.

Re: Training: Seth Gunnells

Posted: July 20th, 2011, 8:26 am
by Seth Gunnells
(Am I assuming I have no weapons or am I armed?)

Re: Training: Seth Gunnells

Posted: July 20th, 2011, 8:33 am
by Jools Noctru
You are unarmed, indeed.

Re: Training: Seth Gunnells

Posted: July 20th, 2011, 8:51 am
by Seth Gunnells
Seth realized that he had a serious problem on his hands. He was surrounded by armed men, both trying to kill him, with no armaments of his own. He desperately ducked and dodged trying not to get hit by the ball being swung at his head or the blaster bolts whizzing by him. Finally, Seth realized he might be able to get behind one of them and fire on their bike if we was quick enough. He hit the brakes while moving slightly to the right, attempting to get behind the man with the blaster, and immediately opened fire on his bike.

Re: Training: Seth Gunnells

Posted: July 22nd, 2011, 2:00 am
by Jools Noctru
The blaster bolt hit the swoop solidly in the rear, blowing out one of the turbines. The rear end dropped, scraping the ground with a loud metal-on-stone noise. Sparks were flying everywhere. The man lost control of his bike, which started swerving off course. The surface there was much rougher, and after a brief moment the bike slammed into a surface rock, launching the man into the air.

A spiked ball on a chain flew right past Seth's back. The chain grated along the back of his swoop bike until the ball thudded on the ground. It was a very close call.

The thug retracted his chained ball in a fell move. This guy seemed way more skilled than the other one with the blaster. He clamped his swoop between his legs and started to swing the ball around him, preparing his next attack.

Re: Training: Seth Gunnells

Posted: July 22nd, 2011, 7:09 am
by Seth Gunnells
Deciding that unarmed there wasn't much he could do to the man with the ball and chain, Seth decided drastic measures were in order. He was a rather skilled pilot and given his math skills, he hoped he could lose this guy after some fancy maneuvers. Seth gunned the engine, hurdling towards massive rocks only to suddenly strafe them a zip around, hoping the guy would smash into one of them. Then, after calculating how he'd need to handle the throttle and brake to make the turn, he whipped the bike around in a heartbeat, instantly going back the way he came, hoping the difficult turns would lose his pursuer.

Re: Training: Seth Gunnells

Posted: July 24th, 2011, 5:55 am
by Jools Noctru
You and your opponent consider each other for a moment. The silence is as dense as the fog outside and you know that the man may strike at any moment. The two of you are in a small, isolated warehouse, at which you agreed to meet for a confrontation after you were caught messing with his Twi'lek worker. Your opponent appears to be unarmed, but from the enraged look on his face and the muscles bulging from his arms it is clear that he is not harmless.

Just then, he launches himself at you in attack.

Re: Training: Seth Gunnells

Posted: July 27th, 2011, 12:51 pm
by Seth Gunnells
Seth stared out at his opponent from his hollow eyes, carefully measuring and calculating his opponents reach, probable maximum strength, and possible weak points. He focused on his breathing, controlling it as best he could, uncertain how this confrontation would end. He cursed his inability to resist feminine wiles, but that Twi'lek was more than worth the trouble. The tension was thicker than a Gamorrean's skull. Seth prided himself on his patience though, and knew better than to make the first move.

Suddenly, but not unexpectedly, the man launched himself at Seth. Seth instantly dodged the man's blow and elbowed him hard in the spine, whipping around to prepare for the man's next attack.

Re: Training: Seth Gunnells

Posted: July 29th, 2011, 4:59 pm
by Jools Noctru
Very good, Seth. You describe your characters emotions well and set a tense tone for the situation. Please remember this is still part of the moderated combat training, therefore you cannot control your opponents actions. This includes whether they successfully dodge your attacks or not. Moderated combat will appear to be very slowly paced because you will need to describe your actions as attempts rather than completed actions. This is where experienced roleplayers separate themselves from novices and we will focus on this aspect until you have a clear understanding of this type of posting. The key is to learn to describe attempts in a creative and non-repetitive way.

Since you godmodded your actions in your last post, we will assume you were indeed successful in carrying them out.

The large man let out a sharp cough as Seth's elbow landed a blow on his spine. The dense fog danced around in the dim light of the warehouse. He took a moment to find his footing, then suddenly spun around his axis, swinging his muscled left arm straight into Seth's side, knocking Seth off-balance. He then calmly turned around and bent over, reaching for Seth's neck, while saying "I'm going to break that tiny little jaw off your stupid pale face, Givin!"

For clarification, the GM will immediately determine whether opponents succeed their actions and weave them into response posts. So in case you were wondering why your opponent's actions aren't described as attempts, that is why.

Re: Training: Seth Gunnells

Posted: July 29th, 2011, 6:58 pm
by Seth Gunnells
"Like hell you will!" Seth exclaimed. He had no intention of letting the man rip his jaw off and would do everything necessary to keep that from happening. He tried for a hard kick to the testicles, hoping that he had enough strength in his leg to slow the bruiser down long enough for Seth to find an edge. For as of right now, he was at a disadvantage and things were quickly taking a turn for the ugly.