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Re: Training: Calgor Grim

Posted: September 23rd, 2011, 4:11 am
by Jools Noctru
The assailants closed in with a steady pace.

"Hah! You think we're afraid of the likes of you, red loser?", the scrawny looking one cackled.

"We don't take kindly to the likes of you, alien scum!", the other snarled at Calgor.

The first suddenly dashed forward, thrusting his dagger blade straight forward in Calgor's direction. "Let's see if you're red on the inside too!"

His aim was true, but Calgor's reflexes bested him. The blade carved nothing but air, giving Calgor the higher ground.

Re: Training: Calgor Grim

Posted: September 23rd, 2011, 8:13 am
by Calgor Grim
"Very well gentlemen. I asked nicely..."

Sidestepping the attackers blade, he managed to grasp inside his cloak. With a flash of bright blue light and a low humming sound, his lightsabre was drawn. Without a thought his blade swiped down onto the targets arm, it was sliced clean from the body, the limb falling to the floor still clutching a blade.

"Now I will ask you again, back off or it will be more than an arm. Take your hand and leave now. I don't want to kill on my first visit here so don't make me."

Grim scowled back, sabre held close to his body, humming and waiting for their reaction, an assailant howling in pain.

Re: Training: Calgor Grim

Posted: December 22nd, 2011, 7:14 am
by Jools Noctru
I have returned as I once again have access to the great interwebs. I'd like to pick up this training.

Please remember we are now in the Moderated section of the training, meaning you cannot RP your actions to their conclusion. You can initiate an action, after which the Game Master will perform some checks and confirms if your actions succeeded.

We shall pretend your previous action indeed succeeded, and continue with the current scenario.

The attacker howled in pain, grasping the stump of what once was his hand.

"Kg- kghaaa! F-Fool, what are you waiting for!? Get him!!", he cried loudly to his companion.

His partner did not hesitate one moment, immediately dashing towards Calgor, thrusting forward a crudely constructed polearm of sorts. Calgor's fast reflexes gracefully dodged the attack. Once again, an assailant's faith rested in the hands of the Devaronian.

Re: Training: Calgor Grim

Posted: December 23rd, 2011, 2:04 am
by Calgor Grim
With one shouting what sounded like profanities to him, Grim had the second one to attend, running towards him with a pointed stick effectively. He sidestepped and attempted to strike the attacker in the back of the head with his elbow.

Calgor attempts use of Force ability stasis with intent to stun the target.

Re: Training: Calgor Grim

Posted: December 23rd, 2011, 12:26 pm
by Jools Noctru
A powerful blow struck the back of his head. The assailant quickly dropped to the floor face-down. A strange sensation overcame him as his limbs suddenly became heavy, then numb. Calgor had successfully put the aggressor in stasis using the Force. The first attacker got up and quickly ran off.

You may decide what you (attempt to) do with the fleeing assailant before we continue to the next scenario.

Re: Training: Calgor Grim

Posted: December 24th, 2011, 6:49 am
by Calgor Grim
With one of then stunned on the floor, the second was trying to evade him. Breaking into a sprint, his force enhanced speed allowing him to easily close the gap approaching the assailant. Taking a leap, he hurled his weight into a tackle against the fleeing target.

"You're not getting away that easily...Nngh" As he went into the jump. This one he couldnt let escape, he wanted his feet threw him up into the air and forward, the force guiding him.

Re: Training: Calgor Grim

Posted: January 26th, 2012, 11:37 am
by Jools Noctru
You hear the grinding of metal as your swoop bike hits a patch of rocky, upturned ground. The attacker to your right is now beside you and he has pulled out a blaster, which he doesn't seem to use in an experienced manner. Nonetheless dodging should be done. The attacker to your left has pulled out a ball and chain and is trying to bash your skull in with it. Both of them are dangerously close to your swoop and every once in awhile all three noses of the swoop touch and make a grinding sound.

Re: Training: Calgor Grim

Posted: January 26th, 2012, 12:28 pm
by Calgor Grim
The bike hurtled across the terrain, assailants either side of him armed and ready. He lowered his head sharply as the swing of a ball narrowly missed shattering his pointed horns.

"So you like to play hard and with sharp and powerful objects eh? Try this then."

Grim quickly let go of the steering mechanism in his right hand. He ducked another blow, the terrain getting worse, rocky and significantly more dangerous. The ball swung past him, smashing into the rear of his swoop. While ducked, his hand reached for his belt, emerging a second later with his lit lightsabre, as he thrust it left under his arm. His target, a component of the swoop, attempting to impale its grav engines.

Without looking at the result he attempted to do the same to the attacker on his right, drawing the blade back, a quick flick and a rightward thrust again intending to disable the swoop.

Meanwhile the hit at the rear had impacted his own grav engines, which began to cough and fail, swoop veering about slightly, power failing rapidly.

Re: Training: Calgor Grim

Posted: January 28th, 2012, 4:23 am
by Jools Noctru
The whizzing blade sunk into the side of the swoop like a warm knife through butter. When the blade retracted a burst of smoke emerged from the hole, followed by a loud rattling sound. The swoop started shaking violently, and the nose plunged straight down to the ground. The assailant riding it dropped his ball and chain in an attempt to pull up, but was unsuccessful. As the metal nose fans plowed the dirt, the back of the swoop came up swiftly, launching its driver into the air.

On Calgor's right side, the other assailant was driving his swoop bike still with both hands on the steer, managing to dodge Calgor's attempt to disable his swoop as well.

Veering off the to right, he drew his blaster and fired a salvo of shots. Fortunately, he wasn't very skilled as wielding a blaster it seems, as the bolts all went wide.

Re: Training: Calgor Grim

Posted: January 31st, 2012, 12:27 pm
by Calgor Grim
His swoop couldn't stay stable for much longer, pulling hard on the steering column he went into a hard stop, the back smashed into a rock throwing him off the speeder. He was flung through the air, landing on his feet thanks to his training, the speeder not so lucky, still out of control as it hurtled headlong into a nearby rock, exploding in a fiery inferno.

"Gah, another wrecked speeder. Alright...go ahead, make my day"

He stood his ground, sabre ready, guarding his front waiting for his assailants next move, his mind calculating possibilities. Left hand on the hilt, blade lit, his right hand outstretched, goading him in.

"Hmm, blaster but not a good shot. Could deflect a few off...possibly force manipulate some rock or something. Failing that...meh lets see what happens."
He thought, goading the assailant forward, waiting for the right time.