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Re: Training: Calgor Grim

Posted: February 8th, 2012, 9:27 am
by Jools Noctru
You and your opponent consider each other for a moment. The silence is as dense as the fog outside and you know that the man may strike at any moment. The two of you are in a small, isolated warehouse, at which you agreed to meet for a confrontation after you were caught messing with his Twi'lek worker. Your opponent appears to be unarmed, but from the enraged look on his face and the muscles bulging from his arms it is clear that he is not harmless.

Just then, he launches himself at you in attack.

Re: Training: Calgor Grim

Posted: February 8th, 2012, 2:33 pm
by Calgor Grim
The warehouse was dark, poorly lit and filled with large wood and metal storage containers. Mostly empty and dark save for a small patch of light in the middle of the building, a single light strip glowing upon an open floor below. He went to the light, standing in it, eyes circling the room waiting for his aggressor. The incident was unintentional, just self defence, however certain things had clearly been misinterpret.

Waiting, he scanned the place trying to pick up on any sign of others, as he did so, a hulking figure stepped out, unarmed and built like a tank.

"Good of you to be here I guess. Maybe now we can discuss this without..."

He was interrupted as the figure charged. He ducked a nasty right hook only to miss the uppercut with the left, connecting hard with his chin. The blow flung him across the room smashing into a large wooden crate.

"How the hell did I miss that one?!" He panted, distracted somewhat as he picked himself up, dusting off, the crate behind him buckled and broken. His lightsabre had been knocked clear of his body, remaining close to where he was thrown from. Although he couldn't see it, it was dangerously close to the brute's feet. He didn't want to use it since it didn't feel right on an unarmed man but it was tempting.

"Frell...thats a nasty right hook. Look can we not just talk this one over? There are alternatives to beating seven bells out of a Devaronian aren't there?" He poised his hand out, middle, index and thumb outstretched, other fingers clenched to his palm shown towards the giant. His other hand close to his temple.

Re: Training: Calgor Grim

Posted: February 9th, 2012, 5:56 am
by Jools Noctru
I am confident you are a strong roleplayer. In fact, there wasn't really a need to prove your worth, but in fairness to everyone else, RP training had to be taken and completed. My only concern is that through the moderated section you have shown to godmod your opponent's actions. I don't want to continue the training unnecessarily but I would like to advice you to refrain from godmodding NPCs you do not control in Krath Scenarios.

If you would like to practice more moderated RP, we can continue the current setting.

Please let me know either way.

Re: Training: Calgor Grim

Posted: February 9th, 2012, 6:12 am
by Calgor Grim
I question the claim of Godmodding and state that many of my texts are reactionary or my way of explaining the GM defined events where I felt an explanation needed strengthening. I admit a few slips and eventually I simply write the action I intend and leave it up to the GM to decide however that is because this is non real time.

Re: Training: Calgor Grim

Posted: February 9th, 2012, 7:31 am
by Jools Noctru
Although forum RP is indeed not in real-time, posts can be read by multiple people (including participants of the scenario) asynchronously. Say you would fully act out actions as if they succeed / fail on your own accord. If these posts would then be disqualified by the GM due to rolls - making you rewrite them - it would confuse people who had already read your unedited post.

I do agree that having to stop mid-action and sort of wait for the GM's (dis)approval of actions breaks of the flow of posting. I have not fully worked out the details of how posting order is going to work in Krath Scenarios as the tabletop D&D approach doesn't really work well in a forum environment.

I was thinking about setting up a separate thread for requesting actions + approvals (by rolls on the GM side). The outcome of these rolls would then serve as a guideline for the person writing their post in the scenario thread. I was also thinking about doing this via PM, as the public thread can be distracting or considered as spoilers.

I am open minded about suggestions. In fact, considering you run two Freestyle scenarios, I was actually planning to ask you on the Krath Scenario building team once you completed training. I know you have experience with GMing as well if my memory serves me correctly. You would be a great asset to have in the RP area of the forums, though I understand if you decline. You have quite a lot on your plate already.

Re: Training: Calgor Grim

Posted: February 9th, 2012, 8:20 am
by Calgor Grim
I have no objections on a scenario or two.

I take multiple approaches to this. Either a person can be honest and accurate with their abilities, defining whether they successfully hit and miss based on their own skills and whether they get hit at their own discretion or making rolls to define it.

For example I opted to hit the chap with a lightsabre further back since I felt my LS skill value of 5 determines I'm pretty damn likely to score a hit unless I'm looking backwards and my target is a ninja.

I opted to take the hit earlier since I feel that there are times where the PC is not invulnerable and a time where I must be humbled and take a shot once in a while.

To sum up the schools of thought are to either allow the player to define hits and injuries at their own discretion and only intervene in certain circumstances or should they misuse that right, or leave everything up to fate.

Re: Training: Calgor Grim

Posted: February 10th, 2012, 12:53 am
by Jools Noctru
The Krath Scenarios are a delicate matter as Points distribution is attached to them. To ensure everyone is treated equally, a system is needed. Leaving player's actions completely up to the players leaves room for unforeseen consequences. Because the rewards are quite serious it must be the GMs duty to safeguard the progress of a Scenario, including player's succeeding / failing actions.

You have hereby completed RP Training. If you wish to come on board the Krath Scenario team please let me know. The current efforts are dedicated to creating a full-fledged Scenario. No GMing is required at the moment, just the creation of a story-line, which is to be kept secret from the Krath public.

Re: Training: Calgor Grim

Posted: February 10th, 2012, 3:33 am
by Calgor Grim
Aye go on then.

Re: Training: Calgor Grim

Posted: February 10th, 2012, 3:41 am
by Jools Noctru
[Training Completed]