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Esoteric Martial Ways of the Galaxy

Posted: February 27th, 2017, 4:35 am
by Sekou Tau
A large broad shouldered Gengh-Noghri walks into the Krath Academy classroom, wearing what looks to be a older style Krath Imperial field uniform with breeches in replacement of trousers and a few unfamiliar patches on his right shoulder. As the gathered personnel at the door inspect closer in shock, the subdued collar rank is Tribune. Immediately one of the Legionnaires yells "Atten-Hut".

The Noghri politely dismisses the nervous Human and says " At ease everyone. Ladies and Gentlebeings, I am Sekou Tau, formerly of the Pentastar Alignment Regimental Marines and now an Officer amongst the Northern Fleet. I have come here to give a series of lectures entitled Esoteric Martial Ways of the Galaxy."

I will present two martial combat forms. The first is a modern form rooted in ancient techniques with some Bothan, Chiss and most notable Noghri influences.

The style was named and codified by the Zabrak, Gamba Jaboli, having used years of combat experience and first-hand study— he had survived and emerged triumphant from many a battle to hone the rough art to its more or less present state with my later refinement. Officially known as Am`Cuf Ama Rak or Amarak for short, I am also the inheritor of this combat-system besides one other sentient.

Economy of energy is of the utmost importance thus prolonged and overly showy techniques are shunned in favor of practical and oftentimes ugly maneuvers.

However it is intended to be a flexible set of principles instead of techniques, focusing on finding the lines of attack and defense in any combat situation and exploiting them.
Using misdirection and simple movements, the Amarak practitioner prides themselves on their ability not only to avoid getting hit, but to use thei r opponent's aggression to their own benefit. A missed attack is a massive window of opportunity for a warrior. Utilizing these windows of opportunity in many different ways is drilled repeatedly during the course of training.

Defense and Offense

Owing to its Iridonian roots the practitioner does not fear the potential ultimate consequence of battle, and the purpose is still to walk away with minimal injury.
With this in mind the motion of the weapons in defensive circles about the body, or dodging and weaving of the body are key elements to this martial way defense.
Short powerful strikes are the key to Amarak offense... Quick slashes with blades or claws, and short jabs with blunt weapons are favored over long complicated attack patterns.


The basic techniques of the Am’Cuf Ama Rak sword-techniques are rather defensive, with the student learning basic math and body mechanics, allowing for an Am'Cuf Ama Rak practiti oner to know what angles an opponent is most likely to attack from, so that they can defend against it, while striking back in the most efficient way possible.

Am’Cuf Ama Rak sword-technique is not a fluid art. The lightning quick motions most often change direction in a split second in order to safeguard the stylist from harm. The attacks are similarly dissonant, and a student of the art must possess a good degree of muscle strength to be able to control the momentum of his own body as well as that of a sword.

Striking comes from the ground. The sword is pulled through their opponent, it is important to note that the Amarak practitioner relies less on the strength of their arm than the strength of their shoulder, the motion actually originating from there, as arm-only cuts are not nearly forceful enough, even with a sharp blade. Practitioners also study the following weapons as a part of their repertoire: staves, cudgels, knives, battle-axes, force-pikes and the infamous BD-1 Cutter.
Now the other combat form I wish touch on is Vim. Vim is an old-world style whose origin can be traced to the planet Iridonia as a form used by covert, clan-based assassins. The form spread beyond the planet slowly and seeped into the world of mercenaries and bounty hunters where it dwindled into secrecy and nearly to extinction. As the role of mercenaries and bounty hunters became more prevalent in the struggles of the Galactic Republic, Vim began to reemerge as one of the most easily adaptable fighting styles and soon found favor within the special operations community.

The primary focus of Vim is to subdue an opponent rapidly and efficiently. A practitioner of Vim is well versed in striking Meridian points and using body levers of many species, facilitating an ability to execute precise takedowns and render adversaries ineffective. By applying varying levels of force, striking to specific anatomic pathways, or offsetting an individual’s balance, skilled Vim users are capable of compensating for lack of physical prowess and ability.

The necessity of controlling muscle tension is critical to this art, requiring a student of Vim to be able to withstand the instinctive reactions of their victims who may not go quietly. Thus, a student of Vim takes great care in honing their resilience, as well as their fortitude, and puts special emphasis on increasing physical endurance.
The form itself is defensive at the core of its design; its users aware that the most effective points of a body are not accessible until extended or in motion, they rarely strike first. Vim is an art of evasion that teaches the avoidance of contact until absolutely necessary, using dodges and contortions to escape the impact of an opponent on the offensive. However, once contact is imminent, Vim’s precision will allow its users many options which are not based in strict block-forms, a fact that lends itself to the style’s fluidity.

So this encompasses both styles and it will be the end of my lecture for this evening legionnaires and I would like to thank Lord Protector Kalzel Gryjiss, for inviting me as a guest-speaker today.

Re: Esoteric Martial Ways of the Galaxy

Posted: February 28th, 2017, 4:29 am
by Tobias Frost
A tall and thin young man speaks up from the audience. "That was most enlightening, Sekou, My old friend. However, not all of us are natural warriors, or prefer to restrain or disable attackers while causing as little harm as possible to them. May I be allowed to demonstrate?"

Re: Esoteric Martial Ways of the Galaxy

Posted: February 28th, 2017, 3:31 pm
by Sekou Tau
Sekou raises an eyeridge in recognition of the young man's voice. "Tobias my friend, I would be delighted in your demonstration. Please come forward and I will step aside, so that I may learn something as well."

Re: Esoteric Martial Ways of the Galaxy

Posted: February 28th, 2017, 4:58 pm
by Tobias Frost
The young man nods in respect to his old friend, and takes the centre of the stage. He clears his throat and begins. "As most of you might know, we Alderaanians are known for being diplomats and peacemakers, not for our warrior skills. However, that does not mean we are defenceless. Over the centuries, we have developed a form of unarmed combat that allows us to effectively defend ourselves while doing as little harm as possible to our attackers. In the old tongue, it is known as Ai Ki Do, or, literally, the Way of Divine Harmony. The basic principle is to use the weight, strength, and momentum of the attacker against them, allowing the defender to escape, or to restrain or subdue the attacker, as the situation requires. It is effective even against aggressors that are much larger and stronger. I know it may sound a little hard to believe, so I believe a demonstration would be more convincing." He turns towards the Noghri. "Master Sekou, would you be so kind as to attack Me? And please, do not hold back."


((ooc:Rolling to defend against Sekou's attack))

Re: Esoteric Martial Ways of the Galaxy

Posted: March 4th, 2017, 1:49 pm
by Sekou Tau

Re: Esoteric Martial Ways of the Galaxy

Posted: March 4th, 2017, 3:48 pm
by Tobias Frost
The Noghri lunges at Tobias, nearly taking him off guard with the speed and ferocity of the attack. However, he nimbly turns on his heel and pivots, evading the blow. "Thank you, Master Sekou. That is known as an irimi technique, or, quite literally, 'door'..."

"It looks like you just stepped out of the way," someone from the audience shouts.

Tobias nods. "Indeed so. As any fighter pilot could tell you, however, the best defence against a laser bolt is to not be there when it hits." His comment is met with a round of "BOOYAH" from the pilots in the room. He smiles and continues. "An irimi is the kind of technique you would use against someone that has had a few too many and is getting a bit rowdy, but otherwise does not intend any harm. Now, say Master Sekou means to cause serious injury to Me. In that case, stronger measures have to be taken and I would have to restrain him." Tobias nods to Sekou. "Attack Me again, please."


Re: Esoteric Martial Ways of the Galaxy

Posted: March 4th, 2017, 4:42 pm
by Sekou Tau
0 Placeholder

Re: Esoteric Martial Ways of the Galaxy

Posted: March 16th, 2017, 7:02 pm
by Tobias Frost
The audience holds its' collective breath as the much larger Noghri fiercely swipes at Tobias with his claws. At seemingly the last moment, the young man takes a half step forward and grabs Sekou's wrist, and swiftly pulls it up and around his back, forcing him downwards. After waiting a moment, Tobias releases the arm bar. "Thank you, Master Sekou."

He straightens up and faces the audience. "As you can see, Master Sekou is least I think so. If not, I'm quite sure he will make his displeasure known." He chuckles good-naturedly, and a small wave of laughter makes its' way through the audience. "His own strength and momentum was used against him, allowing Me to neutralise his attack and make sure is no further threat to Me, while, at the same time, causing no harm to him. This is one of several defensive options available, and they can range from restraint to the breaking of bones...or, the Gods forbid, result in the death of the attacker."

He helps Sekou to his feet. "So, Master Sekou, what are your thoughts?"