Pay Grades

The Krath values members highly and likes to ensure each of its citizens receive fair pay for their services. In an effort to streamline salaries amongst all factions, each rank and title within all government and departments have been assigned to various places within a twelve point ranking scale. The below outlines each level of this scale and the credit value associated with that rank. This will then be offered to all members in the form of credits or Nova Crystals.

Pay Grade Credits
12 [C-5] 25,000,000
11 [C-4] 22,500,000
10 [C-3] 20,000,000
9 [C-2] 19,000,000
8 [C-1] 18,000,000
7 [O-4] 16,000,000
6 [O-3] 15,000,000
5 [O-2] 13,000,000
4 [O-1] 12,000,000
3 [E-3] 11,000,000
2 [E-2] 10,000,000
1 [E-1] 9,000,000


Updated: 30 December, 2016

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